Use Policies
Please review our Facility Use Policy and if you agree with the policy, complete the fillable/signable form.
Click HERE.
Once you complete and submit that form, complete the Event Request Form.
Click HERE.
You will be contacted by the appropriate staff or ministry leader once both forms are received.
Helping Hands Forms
If you would like to volunteer to be on the Helping Hands team, please complete our volunteer form. To access our Helping Hands Volunteer Form, click HERE.
If you need physical help from our Helping Hands team, please compete our request form. To access our Helping Hands Request Form, click HERE.
If you are in need of financial assistance, please contact the church office by email or phone.​
Expense Forms
For use by LAC Staff and Ministries
Print out the needed forms by clicking on the form name, attach receipts as necessary, and route the info to the church office for processing.
To be reimbursed for ministry expenses, complete the Expense Voucher Form.
To be reimbursed for expenses with no receipt available, complete the Missing Receipt Form.
To request funds to cover an upcoming expense, complete the Spending Request Form.