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Our History

LAC Timeline


Church planted by the C&MA with the late Pastor Leslie Conklin.  The first meetings were held in the newly purchased parsonage. 

Later on, the 36 founding members began meeting at Bucknell University.


Existing church building on Supplee Mill Road dedicated.

1980's - mid 2000's

Church continued its ministry with new leadership and attendance grew.


The original mortgage on the church building was paid in full.


Family Life Center built and dedicated.

2013 - 2019

Worship Services moved into the Family Life Center. The former church sanctuary was converted to a Student Ministry room.  By the end of 2019, the average attendance reached over 400 people on Sunday mornings.

 2020 - 2022

The pandemic reduced attendance, along with transitioning to new leadership.

An exciting rebuilding process is happening!  Our existing mortgages were paid off due to the sale of our land to the Lewisburg borough.

 2023 - Present

LAC was blessed with a new pastor at the end of 2022, and we have been blessed with new growth in our congregation along with a rebirth of our ministries, both new and old.


Click on the image above to view
the LAC 2024 Annual Report!

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